These images are by Yu Tsai who is another of my favourite photographers but for completely different reasons to Tim Walker, and he is also another photographer who I use for inspiration ALOT! but it is only because he has such a range of images that I can reference different shoots each time.
These two images are taken from his website...
The shoot features the model Fernanda Tavares and was shot for an editorial spread in Harpers Bazaar. These images are by far my favourite for the research I have done so far because it shows exactly what I want to try and achieve. The shots are very high fashion and not only do they incorporate animals, they also use manerisms of the animals with the model as a type of symmetry. Especially in the bottom image, the model is mimicing the zebras body langage, by the direction of eyeline, and pose. The colours of the zebra is used for the clothing and styling of the model, there is also white background and dark shadows which create a high contrast and sharpness in the images. I think this makes the images fascinating and even though I know this type of photography is impossible for me at the moment with the lack of connections to exotic animals and locations, I would love to try and create something like this and to this standard.
These two images are taken from his website...
The shoot features the model Fernanda Tavares and was shot for an editorial spread in Harpers Bazaar. These images are by far my favourite for the research I have done so far because it shows exactly what I want to try and achieve. The shots are very high fashion and not only do they incorporate animals, they also use manerisms of the animals with the model as a type of symmetry. Especially in the bottom image, the model is mimicing the zebras body langage, by the direction of eyeline, and pose. The colours of the zebra is used for the clothing and styling of the model, there is also white background and dark shadows which create a high contrast and sharpness in the images. I think this makes the images fascinating and even though I know this type of photography is impossible for me at the moment with the lack of connections to exotic animals and locations, I would love to try and create something like this and to this standard.

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